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How does this skill swap thing work?
A skill swap, as we've done it before, is an open-schedule gathering where there are several spaces where classes/workshops may be held. Each space may have its own special characteristics -- a kitchen, a large room with benches, a small room with chairs, a lawn -- which may make each more ​or less suited to a specific workshop. Some workshops may be scheduled ahead of time, but there will usually be an open slot at any given time for last-minute additions. 
Planning will go on in the scheduling spreadsheets, which are editable by any registered attendee, but the final schedule will take physical form at the event itself, collaboratively juggled by all the workshop leaders. If you have a workshop you'd like to lead, add it in the "I Want to Teach" tab; if people are interested, they'll increment the counter associated with your workshop. If you have a yearning to learn something specific, add it in the "I Want to Learn" tab, and people can second (and third, etc) your idea. People who might not know what they want to teach can take ideas from this tab if they want. Scheduling can happen any time in the "Schedule" tab, but will generally ramp up closer to the day of the event and finalize only on the day of.
How much does it cost?
The skill swap itself is free! Any donations beyond our immediate expenses will be passed on to our hosts, the Friends Meeting at Cambridge.
How much does it pay?
We can't pay workshop leaders -- the event is predicated on the concept that we are all teachers and all learners, so to pay anyone who teaches would be prohibitively expensive. By the same token, we can't pay some and not others. So we rely on your generosity; if you are a professional teacher, perhaps look at these short sessions as a tasting that might get people more interested in your subject matter for future learning opportunities. If you need reimbursement for materials, you are welcome to request that of your attendees.
What can be taught?
Any skill that you can teach in a 1-2 hour slot to an arbitrary number of people with portable supplies. Practical skills like bike repair or breadmaking; conceptual skills like compassionate communication or mindfulness, musical skills, artistic skills, movement or performance skills, computer skills, activism, spirituality, outdoor skills -- the sky's the limit, more or less.
Due to the space we're using, we cannot have alcohol or physical fighting on the premises. If your workshop involves either, please consult with the organizers. For example, a workshop on how to brew beer would be OK, but samples of the finished product wouldn't. A workshop on Tai Chi might be OK, but Kendo wouldn't be.
What should I bring?
Some workshops may require supplies you'll need to bring; the schedule will outline those. Aside from that, bring a water bottle to keep hydrated, perhaps a notebook and pencil, and your zest for learning and/or teaching.
Is your space accessible to those with disabilities?
The Friends Meeting at Cambridge buildings are outfitted with ramps to all main doors, and all workshop rooms will be on the ground floor. If your disability is of a different nature, please contact us at or inform us on the registration form and we will make every effort we can to accommodate you. However, we cannot guarantee that all workshop leaders will be equipped to accommodate all disabilities.
Is this event suitable for children?
We will not have childcare available this year (this may change in future years depending on interest/need), but children who are interested in taking (or leading!) workshops are welcome to attend. Children, like any other attendee, must be respectful of others' learning and teaching environments and not be disruptive to the event. Also, we cannot guarantee that all workshop leaders will be equipped to teach children nor that all workshops will be appropriate for children. Parents and workshop leaders must exercise their own judgement.
Why should I register?
Registration allows us to plan for the number of people attending, as well as their other needs. Registrants will also need to sign a waiver in order to attend.
Can I ask another question that wasn't answered here?
Please do! We're doing our best to predict what people might ask, but we're sure we missed something somewhere. Please email us at Thanks!


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